Sunday, June 12, 2011

Chant's 4 month pic's

So here is a 4 monh pic of Chant. I never did his 3 month picture and now that i look back i'm thinkin..."Where did the time go?" I always heard people say, "They grow up too fast" and now that i'm actually experiencing what they mean, it is SOOOOO TRUE times 10! I really wish it would just slow down (but that's out of my control) hummm if we could just have another one..... oh wait.....WE CAN!!!
I added a few more super cute pic's. I'm a happy snapper. Now that he smiles a ton, he is so fun to take pictures of! EAT YOUR <3's OUT!!!
Heavenly Father decided to share one of his spirit son's with us to lighten and bless our lives. Chant is always happy! We absolutly LOVE everything about this guy! He brings so much joy into our home, we feel so blessed to be his MOM & DAD!

This is Chant's crib quilt and also the inspiration/theme of his room.

1 comment:

scoot and sara said...

Keez was looking at the pics with me and she says, "Na na na na na na na na Chant Man!"