Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mothers Day Bliss

For Mothe's Day, Randy got me a gift card to Massage Envy for a 1 hour massage and 1 hour facial. He also coordinated with Michelle's husband Ryan so that Michelle and I could go together. This is excatly what I need! Thanks hunny:) Love you<3

He is the reason i get to celebrate this day of bliss. I've carried him within my body, Slept with him on my chest, I've kissed boo boo's, been puked on, sneezed on, peed on and pooped on, I've spent sleepless nights in a rocking chair and I wouldnt have it any other way. Some of the best joy's I get are from being a mom. I have been so blessed with motherhood and I feel like I am lacking the words to describe it.

Randy is so sweet!!!! He woke up and made his mom and I breakfast<3 Jean likes her pancakes with cheese and I like mine with banana's. At our ward they gave out pumpkin bread from Great Harvest. And after church we had Salmon, cheesey rice and salad with lemonade for dinner. What a Yummy Great Day! :)

Randy's mom Jean likes to read and loves spending time with her grandchildren. For Mother's Day we gave her a new murder mystery book called "Lemon Tart" that also has recipies, and a really cute picture frame that says "I am a Child of God", made to hold a picture of Chant.

I didnt get to spend the day with my mom because she was out of town. However, My mom is amazing! She is the perfect example of a lady, always speaks kind words, never profanes or laughs at the expense of others, never farts, and always eats with perfect manors. Her favorite color is blue so i got her a decorative candle in blue porcelain, some new earings, and a fancy sudokou book that can fit in her purse (She likes to play games and do challenging puzzles) She is always there when I need a friend or support. She is my favorite shopping buddy and one of my best friends. I dont know where i'd be without her! THANKS MOM<3 I LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

scoot and sara said...

Never farts? That's a funny thing to put when describing how wonderful someone is. haha!