Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Chant's Birthday

This pic was taken the day before i had Chant. Man was i super ready to have him!! Not only was i just so tired of being pregers but i couldnt wait to meet our sweet little guy. Looking back on it now... I actually miss being pregnant. I miss feeling him move all the time<3
Drugs are the way to go! Lucky for me i had a very easy delivery, an epidural is totally nessary! However... the recovery was not all that easy but i survived lol
He's here!!! Born at 3:33pm 7.5 lbs and 19.5 in long. Chant was born with a pretty good amount of hair. I want to cut it just to even things out but Randy says he will seriously tackle me if I touch his hair lol
Randy's first time holding Chant! Randy is a lot like his dad and i know him and Chant will always have a wonderful relationship.

OUR FIRST PHOTO AS A FAMILY! This was such a special day and i can not begin to explain the happiness this little guy brings into our lives! Being parents is sooo much fun! Why did we wait 2 and half years???
Grandma Jean gave Chant this giraffe. So each month we are gunna take a picture by it so we can see his growth.
Taking the little man home YAH!!! It was kinda funny how scared and cautious we were on the drive home espically on the freeway. lol Paranoid first time parents?......Yeah thats us :) Everyone wash your hands! And if your sick...please please please stay away from me and baby Chant!

It was so nice having Randy's parents stay with us. They were such a big help! When we got home they had all the laundry and dishes done, and they even went grocery shopping for us. THANK YOU Grandma and Grandpa!!!

1 comment:

scoot and sara said...

So glad that lil man is in our family! Can't wait to see him in a couple weeks!...oh and Randy too :)